Ingredients Glossary, Shopping Guides + The Wellness Homemade Community

Get monthly access to the glossary of over 150 ingredients, shopping guides, and more.

Want to take control of what you eat? Me too! If you're still checking labels to figure out what's in your food, you're not alone. That's why I made this simple list for you. It's perfect for when you're shopping or just need help understanding what's in your food. Find ease and understanding while you shop the grocery aisles to change your eating habits by using my simple sytem.

Bonus- Enjoy access to my community where you can ask questions and share items to get personalized feedback. 




Join a community of like-minded individuals led by Tasha working towards their health and nutrition goals. Monthly group calls included in community.

What you'll get:

  • Private community
  • Monthly calls to ask questions and discuss current topics
  • Monthly topics discussed in group
  • Additional resources and support



$4.99 USD

Every month

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Please visit the terms of purchase page for more information.

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